5 Totally Awesome Father’s Day Gift Ideas

We all face the same dilemma every year: Father’s Day is coming up and you have no idea what to get for your dad! You need to make sure that you don’t get him something you already got him for his birthday or for Christmas or, heaven forbid, last Father’s Day. 

That’s why we’re happy to share with you five unique Father’s Day gift ideas that will definitely brighten up your dad’s special day, so keep reading to find out more.

  1. iPod Shuffle

This is a must for any fan of music on the go, and whether your dad likes to kick back and listen to his favorite tunes while reading a good book or going for a nice walk through the neighborhood, the iPod Shuffle could be the way to go for him. It’s so small that it can fit any pocket or even clip to his jacket. It also comes in a variety of colors he might like, including blue, pink, silver, gold, and space gray.

 iPod ShuffleIt contains up to 15 hours of juice in its battery and can hold hundreds of your dad’s favorite songs, whether he likes classic oldies like The Beatles or The Rolling Stones or more contemporary artists like Drake or Mumford & Sons. 

That, or he could stuff the Shuffle with his newest audiobooks or podcasts. The amount of freedom and convenience offered as well as its affordability could make an iPod Shuffle a great surprise gift for any audio-loving dad.


  1. Whiskey Stones

Does your dad like his whiskey neat, but doesn’t like it at lukewarm room temperature? Then whiskey stones might be for him. These are an especially great gift for the discerning dad who wants to keep his whiskey cool without completely watering it down. The stones shouldn’t be porous so they don’t absorb any of the whiskey or its odors, so make sure the stones you buy have “non-porous” listed on their site or package.

  1. Pre-Tied Tie

If your dad is the type who wears a necktie to work every day, why not save him a few minutes each morning by getting him a pre-tied necktie? Unlike a zipper tie or a clip-on, looks and feels just like a traditional tie, but it slips over your neck and slides into place in seconds—saving dear old dad the agony of retying that tie.

4. Sea Salt BBQ Plank

Sea Salt BBQ Plank

Your dad could also have quite a knack for grilling. Why not make this pastime even more fun and even easy by getting him a Himalayan sea salt BBQ plank? 

It’s a cutting board made out of pink Himalayan sea salt harvested in Pakistan. Your dad can cut and prepare skewers, meats, and other grillable foods to get that salty zest you want without even having to sprinkle salt everywhere. 

It’s easily cleaned and stored and can be used over and over again until it eventually loses its use, but it’s a versatile and fun way for Dad to season his BBQ dishes at the summer cookout.

  1. Homemade Beer Kit

Is your dad a beer guy? Does he enjoy going on brewery tours and trying out different microbrews and imports from all over the world? If so, that’s great. However, does he ever grow disappointed in the options available to him? If so, maybe encouraging him to try brewing his own beer could be the right call. There are several different types of home brew kits out there, ranging from the rudimentary all the way to the advanced.

If you go for a good intermediate brew kit, you need to make sure it includes a fermenting bucket, bottling bucket, a siphon, and bottle capper, among all the other specifics involved in brewing up a nice beer. Some even come with instruction DVDs and recipe kits, so depending on your dad’s tastes–whether he’s an IPA guy or a brown ale guy–you have many options available to you.

So that covers five of the more unique gift ideas you can consider for this Father’s Day. Make sure to consider all of your options and your dad’s tastes before making a choice, but rest assured: he is certain to be a fan!