Kids Clothes | When Are You Spending Too Much?

Do you know how much money you spend every year on children’s clothing? How about monthly? Could you foster a guess? Children’s clothing is like a shopping magnet; you can’t resist the urge to visit the racks.

How Much do You Spend?

Miscellaneous spending on children’s clothing can really add up over the year. It’s easy to pick up a little something here and there as you’re out running your errands. If you haven’t given much thought about how those little costs here and there add up in the long run, then you may be surprised to hear that the average American family spends $1,700 on clothes annually. That’s an average of $141 a month!

Tempting Clothing

Baby girls’ clothes are especially tempting. There’s a seemingly endless supply of adorable matching two-piece sets, tutus, and stylish clothes for baby girls. Is the line drawn at that adorable trendy peasant top, or that micro jean jacket for her cool summer nights? With so many options out there, what’s a girl to do?

It’s not just the little girls who have endless clothing options. There are plenty of trendy boys’ clothes available both online and in-store for your shopping pleasure. Those cute three-pieces suits, sweater vest combos, hoodies, and mini blazers. Little boys have a variety of stylish clothing options available to them, and parents are out there buying it all up.

Growth Spurts and More!

With kids’ quick growth spurts, you can count on being out in the store every couple of months practically buying a brand new wardrobe. With the amount of money that adds up over the year on children’s clothing, is all of it really worth it? Kids are generally oblivious to the great efforts that go into buying the clothing, and dressing them for occasions. In fact, if they had it their way, the outfits they would create would look nothing like the $35 color coordinated two-piece set you bought. Beside the necessity purchases, how much is purchased just because?

So, how do you know that you’re spending too much? Luckily there’s a neat little checklist to determine if your spending habits should be a cause for concern.

  1. Spender rating: Frequent Buyer!

Every time you walk by the kids section you end up buying something. Every time! Even if it’s just a pair of socks, it counts.

  1. Spender rating: Subconscious Spender!

When you finally go shopping for yourself, you suddenly find yourself wondering if an outfit you like comes in your kids’ size, and you feel the urge to go check. How cute would that be to match! A word to the wise, forget thinking about the kids clothes and enjoy your time out for yourself. Resist the urge to visit the kid’s section. You can do it!  

  1. Spender rating: I Spy With My Little Buy!

If you find yourself taking pictures of other people’s kids so that you can shop for their clothes later, then you’re not only creepy, but way too into this. Stop while you’re ahead!

  1. Spender rating: Trend Spender

If your kids closet has a selection from every trend that ever occurred in their lifetime and your closet is still so 10 years ago, then you’re buying too frequently. Kids look cute in anything! It’s probably because they’re small, but the lesson here is not every fashion trends need to be represented in your kids’ closet. Your wallet will thank you.  

  1. Spender rating: Pinterest Purchaser!

Do you spend what free moments you have on Pinterest browsing children’s outfits? If the answer is yes, then you need to find a new hobby. Pinterest has tons of other things to look for. Take a break from the clothes, and give yourself a breather. And yes, emailing a pin to yourself so you can look further into it later is also a big warning sign.

Don’t Get Carried Away

It’s easy to get carried away for your children. You want to give them the world, but the world you give doesn’t have to include a closet full of designer clothing. Pay attention to the price tag associated to the cuteness on that hanger. Ask yourself how many wears this is going to get before you buy. The more wears, the more cost effective your choice.

Top Tips

  • Buying exclusively during sales events doesn’t hurt. It gives you a shopping deadline and limits your purchasing options to a select few.
  • Kids clothing fashion does change, but the clothes you buy at this season’s clear-out event will still be stylish come next season, guaranteed. Buy in bulk during end of season clear-out events, and buy two sizes too big for longer wear.
  • One of the many reasons children’s clothing is routinely purchased is for more variety. Instead of purchasing one-off outfit sets, buy clothing that can be layered. Layering clothing increases outfit choices and expands the wardrobe. When you mix and match layers, you can consistently create new looks!

Before you head out on your next errand and find yourself in the children’s clothing section, use these top tips to ask yourself the question: are you spending too much?