
How to Turn a Casual Dress into a Business Professional Outfit for Work

No matter what you do, it can often seem like you never have enough in the way of work clothes. When it comes to dressing for work, we often feel our most self-conscious, and endlessly scrutinize the outfits that we put together. We do this for a good reason- work environments are where the impressions that we make are the most important, and the most influential women always seem so well put-together. We don’t ever want to be caught off guard by wearing the wrong thing or by wearing the same thing too soon. While it can be unfair that superficial impressions such as these often take precedence over the more relevant aspects of our work, this is simply an unfortunate part of human nature.

However, with the right know-how, you don’t have to spread yourself thin with an overflowing wardrobe of clothes with the sole purpose of being used in a professional environment. Dresses make excellent work outfits, even the less formal ones you typically reserve for a relaxed date night or a weekend brunch with friends. If you know what you’re doing, there are several ways that you can take even the most casual of dresses to the next level, infusing your personal style into your work outfits even the most serious of professional environments. Here are just a few tips for turning a casual dress into a business professional outfit with ease!

Pick the Right Dress

 working women on sofa at home

While you can make practically any casual dress look professional, some just look better than others. When you’re turning your favorite dresses into business professional ensembles, the most thoughtful accessorizing will all be for naught if the piece beneath is just fundamentally casual in its design. In this regard, one rule of thumb is to stick with solid colors. In fact, you’ll find that if you put two identical dresses side by side, one solid and one with a pattern, the solid dress will always fit more effortlessly with more formal pieces. When it comes to colors, muted and subdued shades always work a bit better than brighter ones, (though there are exceptions) and, as always, you can never go wrong with black.

Choose a Fitted Jacket

Choose a Fitted Jacket
You no doubt have a stylish cardigan that goes with most of your casual dresses, and there’s certainly a place for cardigans in a work environment. However, for a more professional and striking look that will give off a very put-together vibe, you cannot go wrong with a fitted jacket, such as a blazer. Blazers are the go-to staple for dressing up an outfit, and your casual dress will be no exception. To instantly make any dress look more professional, choose a tailored jacket.

Keep Jewelry Simple

Keep Jewelry Simple
Sometimes, what makes a dress casual is not the dress itself, but excessively informal, trendy accessories. To make your dress look more professional, choose classic jewelry that is carefully styled to accentuate the neckline. If you’ve got an open neck dress that you’re a bit nervous about wearing to the office, try necklaces that will sit above the fabric, filling in some of that open space. A statement necklace could be a great choice here, making a bold fashion move while also increasing the professionalism of your look. A timeless string of pearls also fits the bill; channel your best Audrey Hepburn!

Go For Heels Instead of Flats

Go For Heels Instead of Flats
Lastly, when trying to smarten up a casual dress for the workplace, it’s a good idea to wear heels instead of flats for a more professional look. Flats tend to create a more relaxed, informal look, undoing all your efforts to dress up your outfit. An elegant pair of heels, especially with a pointed toe, adds a high fashion touch that makes you more stylish, professional and feminine in the workplace at the same time. If you find heels too uncomfortable for a full day’s work, try a shorter pair of kitten heels or some booties that give a little more support.