
How to Shop with Your Cool Mom

If your mom loves shopping just as much as you do, maybe it’s time you went out shopping together! Whether you have the exact same style or you are complete opposites, going together can grow your bond and push you out of your comfort zone to try new things. Even if you’re not shopping for clothes, hanging out with your mom while she’s shopping for craft supplies or running errands can still make for a great day! To guarantee an amazing shopping experience, check out these top tips for shopping with your mom!

Have Fun with It

Go into your shopping experience with a fun mind set. If your mom has been nagging you about changing your makeup, hair, or style, humor her on this shopping trip. Instead of throwing a fit, have fun trying things completely against your norm. You’re not obligated to buy anything, and you might find that you absolutely love something you previously hated. While mom definitely knew best when you were younger, she might still have your back now too! Listen to her advice, and maybe throw some her way too!

Be Supportive

Moms have just as many self esteem issues as anyone else. If your mom puts on a brave face, don’t take it at face value. If she’s trying on something that doesn’t look great, be honest, but don’t be mean. Whether this is your first mother / child shopping trip or you’ve been on a bunch together, be careful with her feelings.

You can also purposely try on some of the most ugly outfits you can find just to relieve any tension and start your shopping experience off with some laughs. If you two are serious fashionistas, keep your favorite trends in mind and share your ideas with each other.

Shop Online

You don’t always have to go out to get your shopping done. Grab a laptop and shop with your mom online. Have fun looking at outfits you both think are hideous and find the best discounts when you explore multiple online boutique stores without leaving your room. Make a day of it when you organize snacks and music to keep yourselves focused and entertained.

Once your items arrive, hold a fashion show where both of you can show each other how amazing everything looks. During your fashion show, this is a chance for you to be honest about how clothing looks and possibly even swap outfits if you’re the same size.

Sharing Your Shopping

With everyone on social media these days, it’s no surprise that even your mom has an Instagram. Be respectful when sharing your shopping experience and check before you post any picture of your mom modeling some new clothes. Once you get the go ahead to share with the world, don’t be shy about taking selfies and tagging her in your story though! Sharing your experience is part of the fun!

Notes for Moms

Being a cool mom can be tough! You never know when a comment can set off your child’s insecurities and ruin the day. Be as respectful towards your child as you would be to any other friend in your life. While your child isn’t your bestie, as they get older, your child will form their own opinions and sense of style. It will be amazing for your relationship as they grow up to balance your treatment of them as your child and as an adult.

A few more tips before you start your shopping trip: don’t share on social media without checking, keep your comments kind, and stay open minded about trying new things!