White After Labor Day and Other Fashion Don’ts

White after labor day may seem like an old fashion faux pas, but you don’t want to get caught dead making such a classic mistake! There are so many online boutiques that can provide you with plenty of trendy options that will keep you in the loop for all the fashion don’ts and dos! Check out the top fashion don’ts that may be a little more surprising than you think.

White After Labor Day

This old school fashion rule first came into play long ago in the 1800s-1900s. White was a signal of the summer season, as lighter colors keep you cool. With no AC and fashion that didn’t consist of tank tops or shorts, this was the best option to avoid the heat.

Another reason behind this fashion don’t was because the upper class often created secret rules to keep the lower class separate from them. Eventually though, everyone found out the latest trends anyway!

Socks and Sandals

Why hide your pretty pedicure when you can show off your toes? This fashion faux pas is definitely a fashion don’t! Socks with sandals creates an almost lazy look, so unless you’re throwing out the trash before laying back down on the couch, we suggest that you keep those socks out of your precious sandals!

While socks are a definite no-no, stockings and fishnets are totally hot! Keep things interesting when you choose patterned or themed tights to go with your casual ensembles, or find lace embroidered fishnets that are perfect for the workplace.

Denim on Denim

While this used to be a fashion faux pas, today the clash of denim on denim is the perfect fashion forward look when done right. Be wary of making this into a fashion don’t by wearing too much — nobody wants a repeat of Britney and Justin’s denim red carpet look.

You can pull off the denim look by mixing two pieces with some neutral, casual attire. Skinny jeans and a white tee for example, look great with a loose denim button up or a sleeveless vest. Denim shoes, jewelry, hats, and purses can also work when you wear them sparingly.

Too Skimpy

It may be warm where you are, but keeping yourself a little more covered will keep you from making this fashion faux pas. Keep your outfits appropriate to your surroundings and you’ll avoid another fashion don’t!

The world is getting a little more casual in the face of exposed skin, but there are still some places that insist on caution. Keep your skin hidden in the workplace and in places of worship (even if they’re not yours).

Finding Great Fashion

Everyone loves staying in the know for what’s on trend in today’s fast fashion world. Retro fashion and avant garde are always fighting for the front lines, but fashion don’ts are pretty much a constant. Other than a few exceptions that make surprise reappearances, like denim, these don’ts are always on the blacklist.